How are you connecting?
Connecting is our way of communicating verbally, emotionally, physically & spiritually with ourselves and others. The way we choose to connect was created during our childhood and early relationships. Our unconscious mind is a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, and emotions from things we’ve experienced since birth. This level of conditioning is carried from birth to adulthood and will maintain until we re-condition ourselves to our authentic self. While the experiences are not on the forefront of our minds, the residuals from the effect of those experiences are ingrained and show up in our choices, decisions, behaviors, actions, and reactions in life. We often see these unconscious behaviors manifest in the way we connect in relationships with others.

Spiritual solitude is a huge component of self-evolution. There will be a time in life where we are challenged to evolve or stay the same. Resisting the process will only further and delay your destiny. When it's time to evolve... spiritual solitude is key. It's a way to get to know yourself better. When we're alone, we tend to make choices without outside influences. We cannot change what we do not accept. First knowing… understanding… then change of the mind, body, and spirit can occur. Once one is aware of self, they can begin to consciously connect with others and develop healthy loving purposeful relationships.
Ultimately, we form relationships with every person we encounter. Many of us find ourselves repeating the same unhealthy relationship patterns even with our best intentions. Becoming more self-aware will help to rid oneself of destructive and dysfunctional relational patterns that enable toxic and unhealthy relationships. It’s recognizing and understanding where those patterns developed and manifested in our life through our connections with others and the world. It’s the ability to become self-aware of who we are, what we will accept, and how we choose to connect with others.

Do you have a difficult time trusting others?
Do you find it challenging to trust yourself and your decisions?
Have you experienced a break-up/divorce that has left you with feeling hopeless, lost, or in emotional distress?
Have you recognized any patterns in yourself that are toxic or unhealthy?
Do you enter relationships to avoid being alone or feeling sad?
Have you experienced any childhood traumas of abuse, neglect, or environmental distress?
Have you experienced multiple relationships that have failed?
Do you experience difficulty recognizing your purpose in life?
Do you feel stuck and unsettled in life?
Are there challenges within a intimate/important relationship in your life?
Are you experiencing challenges on your healing journey?